KAMI fluid has been put to test and is used by the most fastidious of scanner operators to capture the most from their film. The KAMI fluid acts as a medium in which allows the optimum path for light to pass through film and into your scanner's optics. The main issue with conventional dry scanning is scanning surfaces become detrimental in obstructing the light path during the scanning process. Light can stray not only between the film and scanning surface but diffract as light passes through the actual grain of the film. Unlike dry mounting Using the KAMI fluid will decrease the scattering effect of light as it passes through the film. Hence giving you noticeably clean scans without the annoying blooming or newton rings typically seen in conventional dry scanning..
Another advantage to using KAMI fluid is that there will be less need for touch up as the KAMI fluid will fill in imperfections of the film surface. Saving you valuable time and money. Using this method of scanning will also yield an increase in the apparent focus/sharpness. This is achieved by the inherent physics and properties of the KAMI fluid's surface tension and cohesion between the film surface and scanner surface. Film is held evenly and flat across the scanning surface to allow a completely even focal plan for scanning.